quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2019

Parágrafo 124

Gracious God! How far have that people strayed from the way of God! Although the Day of Resurrection was ushered in through the Revelation of Muḥammad, although His light and tokens had encompassed the earth and all that is therein, yet that people derided Him, gave themselves up to those idols which the divines of that age, in their vain and idle fancy, had conceived, and deprived themselves of the light of heavenly grace and of the showers of divine mercy. Yea, the abject beetle can never scent the fragrance of holiness, and the bat of darkness can never face the splendor of the sun.
Deus gracioso! Quão longe se afastaram os povos do caminho de Deus! Apesar do Dia da Ressurreição ter sido inaugurado com a Revelação de Maomé, apesar da Sua luz e sinais terem envolvido a terra e tudo o que nela existe, o povo, porém, escarneceu-O e entregou-se àqueles ídolos que os sacerdotes daquele tempo, conceberam nas suas fantasias fúteis e vãs, e privaram-se da luz da graça celestial e das chuvas da misericórdia divina. Sim, um besouro abjecto nunca poderá cheirar o perfume da santidade e o morcego das trevas nunca poderá olhar para o esplendor do sol.

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